Sunday, January 15, 2023

A Bimbo Vacation for Damien

Well, we all need some time to get away .. from ourselves and our own lives.

Much of this caption is based in reality, as I mentioned this both on the Haven and in the Haven Discord server online the other day. I thought, hmmm, I really should just turn it into a quick little story.

Most people that turn in reports really do miss the deadline, as our fiscal year corresponds to the actual end of the year. So much for taking a week off between Christmas and New Year's, right? Part of my job is that I have to take care of everyone's financial and operations reports .. and proof, collate, and produce the actual report sent out to 'investors' and other regulatory interests. So I am knee deep into excel spreadsheets and a bunch of documents written by people who aren't trained or really skilled enough to conjure up the lingo and corporate speak .. hence why I have to take more time than just compiling their reports, I have to massage them, and make it all sound like one voice. Also, when it comes to the spreadsheets, I have to go over all the figures as well, because formulas could possibly change when I'm importing them, and then all the figures would be so, very very wrong.

And this is in addition to my "usual" work. Hence, you can see why I'd be frazzled in the middle/end of January. I am the only one with a "true" deadline, as I have to have the finished project ready in time to print many copies for the physical meeting, as well as a digital version for those who cannot attend .. luckily, we've upgraded to Zoom conferences in the largest room, which real cameras etc ..

Anywho, I finished everything on Thursday .. well, I have an accountant coming in on Tuesday to go over all the figures as a secondary precaution, but from what I could see, it's fine, other than perhaps some notes might be needed for clarification. Hence, I am really beat mentally. I've felt physically rundown, and it's made me suffer a bit creatively here on this blog. I am hoping things will pick up once I have all the tangible documents generated this coming week. Then I can get back into the swing of things here .. so there might not be anything posted until Thursday evening.

Oh yeah, I think I promised a bit of an announcement .. so here it is. Actually, this post is long enough, so I'll write about it on Wednesday or Thursday, when I'm back from my bimbo vacation / hiatus! Planning on playing a few bimbo/sissy online games to see if I can actually get in that headspace. Figure it might help me when it comes to writing up captions and stories. See you later, master gators!


  1. Looks like a memorable weekend to come, and with a smile like that quite popular too.

    1. I like the juxtaposition of the business suit with the large blonde hair. It's such a great contrast, I had to work with it, even though there's little skin showing. Feels like the caption is showing up a moment in time of the transition from Damien to Dee Dee.

  2. A whole weekend of of Bimbofication, Lucky Damien.

    1. I wish. I got sick Friday night and have been stuck in the house for 4 days now!

  3. We could all use a bimbo pill after a long week at the office!

    1. I think so too, though even more so on a long weekend!
