Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Still Really Excited for Christmas, Even After All These Years!

It's a BDSM Christmas Holiday Special .. which is much better than the SWHS with Lumpy and Malla.

It's the heels that did it for me, when it came to deciding to use this picture for a Christmas caption. That, and the gift she's holding up, which sort of made me think of a collar being wrapped inside. Yeah, I guess I'm being perverted, but hey, you aren't coming here for purity rings and such, are you?

I hope that all of you are enjoying the holiday season, and maybe a kink meet, or swinger's party are on your list of things to do before Christmas. Maybe you've got a reindeer tail butt plug inserted into your ass that has jingle bells on it so you can sound like you're pulling Santa's sled. I won't judge you, I promise!

This is another Christmas caption, from 2016, that was inspired by "The Happening" movie that starred Mark Wahlberg, about trees that made people commit suicide or act really stupid, not that Marky Mark wasn't acting like an idiot on his own before the foliage did anything. Here's what I wrote then:
This was the first Christmas caption I wrote for the holidays, back when I knew I would be making one to post in the 25 Captions of Christmas series on Rachel's Haven. It is so hard to come up with new and original ideas every year. I was pondering, "what sort of traditions do we do that would seem weird to outsiders or aliens from another planet?" and went from there .. especially if it were to somehow translate into TG plot lines.

We try to hearken back to days of old, and one of those is to replicate the various wooded things like pine trees, boughs of holly, mistletoe .. all brought indoors and likely to die quickly due to heat and lack of moisture. Many old film shorts portray these trees as being noble and proud to represent what Christmas is all about, yadda yadda .. but what if they were getting sick of it?

I mean, if you were a tree, would you like being cut away by the roots from your family, brought inside where you knew you were going to die, put a bunch of crap on you including electrical items, and then burned some more of your relatives in a fireplace, slowly draining your life force from you, then threw you out a few weeks later on the street? I'd be pretty pissed about it!
Anyway, stay kinky everyone!

It's not the Christmas Season until I hear the Ramones!


  1. I am looking forward to the pretty flower rebelion.

    1. You might want to head to Hawaii, as I think it might start there. I mean, they give out dead flowers to people when they arrive off a boat or a plane!
