Thursday, December 22, 2022

A New Way of Christmas Shopping for Ron (and Lacy!)

An extra caption I made yesterday .. figured it's not the Holiday Season without something Lacy!

Well, I had an idea for a caption while driving home from work. My car is in the shop, so I am borrowing my friend's vehicle for the week, so I don't have my tunes available .. hence, sports talk radio. 

They've been running a commercial for "clueless guys" (there's a few of them, especially ones from a jewelry company) for Pajamagrams, where I guess you just give them an approximate size, and they'll do all the rest in shipping out something that apparently women will love. This year, they are offering a "free" nightgown (a 75 dollar value!) if you make any purchase from their site, as the advert tells us .. and kept telling us, during every commercial break, so like 5 times an hour!

So, literally everything in this caption is true, other than her being ill (I hope that Lacy isn't!) and I just needed to write it all down into a story setting and choose an appropriate image to go along with it. For some reason, her hair looks a bit like it's a wig, so I went with this picture, plus she wasn't too busty, so breast forms work in your imagination, at least they do for me.

And I knew it had to be for Lacy, as like I do with Katie Mills (even though I don't think she's around our scene anymore) I tend to make a Christmas caption for her every year, and vice versa too!

So, here is one I made her back in 2019. This one is a bit more squirmy for the sissies and crossdressers out there .. which I enjoy making them because I like to know that you crave the possible exposure and embarrassment that could be lurking each time you get all femmed out. 

Who doesn't love Steel Panther? Parody hair metal done right! and a Christmas song to boot!


  1. I like the Katie one - if I looked that good I would hope I would have the nerve to send that to my online friends as a card

    1. Oh, you meant the one for Lacy from 2019. Yeah, I like that story too!

  2. Pajamagrams, now theres an interesting opportunity.

    1. Yeah, this is probably one of the most real / true captions I've ever written. I didn't make up the company, nor the commercial. I just highlighted it and focused it all in a TG caption direction. But I'm not lazy, right? LOL
