Sunday, December 18, 2022

So This Is Christmas .. and What Have You Done?!?

War is over .. if you want it.

I wrote this caption 10 years ago right after Sandy Hook. We've sort of become numb to it all now. It can seem like old hat .. just give your thoughts and prayers, until the next time it happens. This year it seems to be happening more in Georgia. 

This starts my Christmas Captions Extravaganza, Hullaballoo and DeeDee too. Like a lot of radio stations, it's all Holidays, all the time, until Christmas Day. Most of this year's captions are fun, kinky, or a wink and a nod, along with a bit of heart. But I wanted to start with a more serious tone. If you need some assistance, please ask .. there ARE people around to help, even when it seems like no one cares. Here's what I wrote 10 years ago, and see how much still rings true today.

I've been trying to bend my mind around the Newtown tragedy. We have relatives in that area, and it is just heartbreaking to know there are so many presents underneath a tree that will never be opened, and lives that will never be lived the way they were supposed to be lived.

I know people that are big time gun aficionados and some that are extremely anti-gun. I fall somewhere in the middle, but there just HAS to be something done that can satisfy both sides and stop innocent people from being in harm's way. The way violence is ingrained into our society is alarming at best, and I wonder if THIS is the final straw that gets people talking about responsible and TRUE control of our arsenal of weaponry. I thought that "The person with the bigger gun, bomb, etc .. wins" mentality went out with the end of the cold war, but it still persists. The rest of the world must wonder why these things continue to happen ... as do I.

I NEVER want to hear about something like this ever happening again. That is MY Christmas wish.

"War is over .. if you want it." Words of wisdom from a man who had his life taken away from him by a gun. "Nothing to kill or die for ... Imagine all the people living life in peace." It really shouldn't be so fucking hard to imagine that, right?

There should be something posted here nightly through to 'Christmas Day' which should be posted late on Christmas Eve if I've planned everything correctly. So do drop by, leave comments, well-wishes, winning lottery tickets, all that good cheer we so desperately need at the end of the year. Love you all, and I wish that you'll all be here with me when the calendar hits 2023.

Just heard this from SNL last night and had to include it here as well. 


  1. There's something I think you really need to consider. All the statistics show that over the last few decades, gun violence, rapes and racist incidents are on a steady decline. Yet, the reporting of such things in the mainstream media is at an all time high. Media focuses on events, not trends. Just like all things, there is a supply and a demand and right now there is a much larger demand for bad incidents than there are actually bad incidents happening. That's why they linger on the bad things that do happen. Remember, the media is NOT about reality. Only about their perception of it. And their perception is often wrong. Often intentionally.

    1. According to the FBI's 20 year report on "active shootings" they've risen quite remarkably from 2000 (3 active shootings) to 2019 (30) .. then 2020 it was 48, and in 2021, it rose to 61. And the FBI has a narrow view of what they call an "active shooting situation" but it is indicative of the whole situation in general.

      I won't use the media as a straw person, because regardless of whether someone reports them or not, or whatever bias is presented in the reports, the incidents are still happening. And there is biased media in most of the other first world countries as well, but they don't seem to have the firearm issue that the US does.

      I have stopped supporting the NRA a number of years ago, as have a number of my friends. They aren't into responsible ownership and education anymore, just about making sure their agenda of 'no restrictions' are being upheld, to the point they are ONLY a lobbying group, and one that has been infiltrated by foreign agents and compromised highly. They've also stayed quiet a few times when gun owners rights were trampled, because it went against the wishes of law enforcement .. so much for 2nd amendment rights when it goes against their true goals.

      I love the exchange of ideas and thank you for your comments. We probably won't resolve this issue any more than our 'elected' officials have. Much love to you and Happy Holidays Michelle!

  2. So many of the T community hurt or even kill themselves... if this helps even one, it is a great Christmas gift

    1. I'm not surprised. Gender issues has been mismanaged by gender idealogues for years now. Saying to so many kids they're trans when they are in fact just gender non-conforming. These idealogues have the idea that if a girl does not conform to the typical female gender type, they are not really a girl. Sexist and diabolical.

    2. Mental health in general has been a mess in the US for years. I was in the field for 8 of those, and it's appalling at how it's funded, or not funded, and how little resources are put into the actual review of care provided. Boomers seemed to not care that much about it, nor geriatric care .. and they could be in for a big shock when it's time for them to be put into that situation for themselves. You get what you sow when it comes to resources, how they are allocated, and how much you pay attention to it all.

      I'd much rather fall on the side of those who are trying to help, even when others think they are pushing an agenda, because those against it have their own biases too; one where they'd rather keep someone in either one box or the other, forever and ever. Gender is more than just a biological marker.

  3. Very good and appropriate caption Dee . They say the time between Thanksgiving and New Years is the highest for suicides so if this gets through to save even one person, it is as if you have saved the world! Thanks Dee! Zoe

    1. Thanks Zoe. I can certainly understand that, as in the last few years, the holiday season has been tough for myself and my family, as well as a number of my friends. Luckily I do have a good network of support. People sometimes just see the bleakness.

      I tried suicide back in the mid 1990's. I backed out before I took enough pills to finish the job. My daughter has also tried when she was a teenager. I threw up what was in my stomach, and she had to have hers taken care of in the hospital. When I did it, there wasn't nearly the resources available that they do now. I still wish there were more for those who need it.

  4. Such a great message in your caption, thank you Dee!
    I hope it helps those who suffer and see no future for them.
    Life is a great gift and dark phases can be overcome. There is help out there.

    1. Thank you .. but remember, I am here to entertain as well, so tonight's quickie caption is definitely much less serious.

  5. Entertaining caption with a very important message.
