Monday, December 19, 2022

Not Exactly What Bing Crosby Was Singing About, Was It?

Well, it's now All-Christmas Captions, All-the Time .. through until Christmas Day! 

Just a short little quickie to get you started on the Holiday captioning season. I swear that this is a Christmas caption, starring Santa Claus, but I had to zoom in to get exactly what I wanted. I mean, you CAN see some colored lights in the background, so we've got that going for us.

I thought it might be cool to highlight an earlier Xmas caption for each of this year's posts as well, especially if they are tied together somehow. 

This is one I made for Sissy Kaaren in 2016. I miss her dearly, and wish she was still around, frolicking with Mrs. K as only she could. Anyway, this has the " .. only cums once a year" gag that I "repurposed" again in this years caption. Hey, YOU try to make more Christmas captions after creating another 75 in the previous 10+ years!

Here is what she had to say in the comments: 

"Isn't that what pigtails are for? Thanks so much Dee!!! I'll show this one to my wife a little late when she gets up, I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it too!!! Looks like Santa is bringing me what I want and I hope he brings you whatever your heart desires!!!
Merry Christmas
Love, Kaaaren

I have no idea at the moment, but we could always see another one for her in the next week or two.

It's early enough .. any TG tropes you'd like to see in a Christmas caption? Perhaps I'll have time to whip one up if you post down below!


  1. Well, the first looks like "Oh, cum? Here's a faceful"......

    1. Fuckin A! That's way better than mine! You win the interwebz for tonight!
