Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Holiday Season Life Upgrade .. Why Wait Until the New Year?!?

Hmmm, you'd think *I* was looking for a new job with all these occupational captions lately!

Made this for Jennifer (aka the captioner formerly known as Jillisa) because, honestly, I hadn't made anything for her since the pandemic started way back in February 2020 .. and I thought it'd be nice to make her something before the calendar rang in the new year.

And it still fits in with the "Holiday Season" theme, as it's a picture of her getting out of the old car and wandering into the "Non-Denominational December Party So We Don't Get Sued Celebration" at the hotel, wearing the requisite short sweater dress and heels, 'figure set to stun' mode.

And I noticed the car was a bit run-down, so if you are going to upgrade your employment, why not upgrade your ride too, as well as your wardrobe? Truly a new life in the coming new year!

If you are stuck in a rut, this is certainly a way to break out of it. Don't put lipstick on a pig, wear it yourself!

Here's a similar caption, in theory at least, I made for Nadine back in 2018. She was looking at female clothes online, but never buying them .. until Dee helped nudge her along.

At least once every year, this damn song gets stuck in my head!


  1. So thoughtful of you to help your friends, especially during the holiday season! Really great stories and especially the pictures! Wish I could look nearly as good as she does at the party! Zoe

    1. Well, I do what I can for my friends whenever I can. Hope you had a great holiday Zoe!

  2. I hope updgrading her ride wasn't a double entendre because I'm not sure you CAN upgrade from Ms. Mentia. :)

    1. Oh, I think if anything Ms. Mentia is riding Jennifer... she pictured something of herself in Jennifer, after all.... Jennifer will be working under her. It will need to be the lower folk sucking up to Jennifer, if she allows it.

    2. I already own a Mercedes. Of course, it's over 20 years old now, but it usually gets me where I need to do, in style! So no need to ride Jennifer .. too much!

    3. Oh Sally! I have definitely missed you. And you might just have to step up and be the kinkiest person in real life that I know now. You've got big (Kaaren) sized heels to fill! LOL

      Here's to a much better 2023 sweetie!

    4. Oh, Dee, I know how it is with cars... my own is old enough to vote....

  3. Just in general... red Santa baby outfits are SO sexy and the boots work. I'd likely skip the corset - if I want to wear one, it will be under, and more functional.... but... lovely.

    You need the figure to pull it off, but if you do.... someone else will want to!

    1. Nadine loves boots, so it's an absolute slam dunk to make captions like this with Santa baby outfits. It goes together like chocolate and peanut butter!

      I hope your holidays went well Fiona!

  4. Oh Miss Mentia Jenny will be most pleased and after she gets the MBnz she may have a to give you a ride, ehh-hem. Happy new year Dee.

    1. She'll definitely give me a ride, with her top down, even if she doesn't own a convertible! Hope your holidays were merry and bright, dear Aidan!
