Thursday, December 29, 2022

A Holiday Quick Post for Zoe and Fiona!

Their comments brought out a caption idea that I thought would work nicely for them both!

Once again, I got some sort of content warning from the powers that be on blogger. Hence, I am going to put exactly what I wrote for this post in a caption setting .. I honestly have NO idea what tr!ggered it!

Catch up with you soon .. and I hope certain higher-ups figure out their head from their you-know-whats!


  1. I am flattered you thought so well of my little comment! Thank you. Enjoy your little trip!

  2. Like Fiona, am thrilled and flattered you liked my comment! I look forward to reading your site so much and appreciate all you do for us! Happy New Year! Zoe

    1. So glad you both enjoyed it. Sometimes the spirit moves me and I can find an image that works with my idea and VIOLA, instant caption!

  3. That was a very sweet caption - sometimes wishes to come true. Have a very happy new year, Dee!
