Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Does Something Have to be Authentic to be Real?

Here's a quickie for you all. I'm going to be REAL honest with you inside, so click to enter!

I saw the picture and thought fake fireplace .. ohhh, now I know where to go with this!

I sort of wish that I didn't have to write as much for this caption, but I'm not one to leave wide swaths of text space open with nothing inside. I'd have gone with paragraphs 1, 2, then 5 and 6. So if you'd like to read it that way, please do contextualize it in that order and cut out paragraph 3 & 4.

Well, I'll just it myself, and pass the savings on to you, the viewers!

Maybe the extra 2 paragraphs give you a little extra backstory, but perhaps it isn't needed. What do you think, all of your wonderful perverts out there in Internet Land? All I know, is that either way, he missed out big time. If there's something else I know, sissies and fluffy girls really know how to perform orally! 

Perfection! For real!

Forgive me, but I heard this version a long time before I heard The Who's original. I do like this one better, but perhaps it's because I was raised a metalhead! LONG LIVE ROCK! LOL


  1. I like the director's cut better. I think you're right that you don't really need the backstory here, it's the wordplay and it works better when truncated so. :)

    1. Thanks. Aren't Director's Cuts usually longer than the original though? But yes, the wordplay is much more linear, and to the point. I'm so happy when you drop by!
