Thursday, October 13, 2022

Courtney Captisa and the BeReal App!

It's actually an app that is really real, as in you can have it on your cellular device!

Courtney Captisa had offered a caption trade on the Rachel's Haven Discord Channel the other night, and I thought it'd be fun to make something for her. She likes to be the agent of change, so usually you make a caption for her, about her, converting guys into girls. There is also somewhat of a cajoled effort into the transformation, not QUITE forced, but also, not quite fully voluntary. Perhaps as a "carrot on a stick" scemario.

At least that is what they were when I was captioning for her on the Haven. She says she'll be updating her preferences soon enough, so I want to hold her to that!

As luck would have it, what was coming across my stream of possible images, were a bunch of posed shots .. and it jogged something in my brain I'd read earlier the day before, the BeReal app, and the best ways to prepare for it, what signing up for it entailed, etc ... Oddly enough, I created the caption on Friday night, and by Saturday, it had appeared as a full sketch on Saturday Night Live .. so watch the skit below to find out exactly what it is!

Anyway, there's the genesis of the caption. It'd be such a great tool to keep all your sissies in line .. like what if they AREN'T wearing the panties you forced them into, or decided not to put on flawless makeup that morning? They can't risk getting caught, right? So ai messed up a bit about the actual amount of times per day that there's a chance to "BeReal" but hey .. Courtney is going to get a lot more selfies of her conversions!

So let's talk about the caption in the comment section, and what other 'real' apps do you think would be good for feminization purposes .. or what would you invent that could make the process easier for those people like Courtney or I, or would make it squirmier for you, the 'victims"?!?

And I couldn't leave here without posting this incredible rendition of Peyton Manning done by Miles Teller .. let me look up why he's popular enough to be the host of SNL .. Hmmm, Divergent movie series and the new Top Gun movie, so I guess that is why I had no idea who he is .. GET OFF MY LAWN! Anyway, he does a GREAT Peyton Manning! Hey, I DO KNOW who Jon Hamm is!


  1. Great work as always. I had to Google who Jon Hamm is though!

    1. Hmmm, I thought he was well known for being in Mad Men, a bunch of animation (and live action Ambiguously Gay Duo on SNL) and being well hung.

      Have you updated your preferences yet? LOL

  2. I was wondering how long it would take for BeReal to make it into a TG caption. Unfortunately, I didn't know enough about it to be the one to do it first! And it only makes sense that the one to exploit for TG gain it would be Courtney!

    1. You're a youngin' so you are supposed to be up on all these things! Or you could be just like be and ASSUME that you know what you are talking about!

      Glad you liked it!
