Friday, September 10, 2021

Not Another John Hughes 1980's Movie Type TG Caption!

"Home Alone" would also be a much different movie if it was a TG Caption too, eh?

This originally appeared in August of 2016, so that makes it slightly over 5 years old. Of course, no one commented on it back then, so it probably would be "new to you" so we'll see if it gets any comments THIS time around. Let's hope so!

Here's what I said back then:

Perhaps the members of "the wet bandits" would slowly turn into two teenage girls that watched Kevin over the Christmas holiday if it was a TG caption. I'm pretty sure I'd even watch that version of the movie. Yes, I HATE "Home Alone" as I think it is stupidly violent, and violently stupid.

Anyway, with that said, I like most of John Hughes' movies, like National Lampoon's Vacation, Weird Science, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Beuller, Breakfast Club, etc ... but only the 80's films. Once 1990 hit, and that dreaded "Home Alone" came out, he started producing utter shit.

So it must be the magical 80's that brought his ideas to life. Likewise, it triggered the idea for me as well when making this caption. As per my Haven post:
The irony of the title is that I can't remember John Hughes making one of these, although the TV show rip off of Weird Science did it a few times I'm sure. 
Well, I was thinking about how many teen movies in the 80's involved swapping sexes or at least pretending to be the opposite sex. 
It's also nice to know that teens find this plot intriguing even today, as evidenced by the number of body-swap amateur clips you will see on Youtube. 
SO with that in mind, I hope you enjoy this homage to a pop culture staple.
My favorite was "Just One of the Guys" because it had boobies in it, including a terrific set on the "star" of the movie, Terri Hauser. It was highly implausible, but it had a certain French Farce like nature to it that other movies would not have tried to do. Hunt it down if you can!

And of course, these ideas were some of the very foundations of my sex change / TG fetish or whatever you would call it.  "Why can't GUYS have as much fun as girls, Cyndi Lauper? Maybe if you turn me into a girl then I'll have lots of fun too!" "Which of the little girls in the neighborhood had witch powers like Tabitha on Bewitched? Maybe Kara does because her uncle certainly acts like Uncle Arthur does! Then we can dress up like twins for church!"

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Which childhood TG fantasies can you remember having back when you were young or up through teenage years? Where they more pop culture related, or grounded in the reality around you at school or in your neighborhood?"


  1. I always thought it was strange how prevalent TG/crossdressing stuff was in pop culture, like it was only natural that some of us would end up enjoying it considering how much we saw it as kids/teens.

    Heck, I can probably pinpoint my trajectory to ending up as a TG fiction writer/TG caption maker to all of those cartoons that had the boy characters infiltrating the girl characters' slumber parties and getting made over, willing or not.

    Great cap as always!

    1. Glad you enjoyed. It's always been a thing I think, though it had become less over the last 25 years as

      (1) clothing is less gender biased now than it has been in the past. Still boy clothes vs girl clothes, but back when I was a kid, I would say that girls in school wore skirts/dresses at least 2-3 days a week, while looking at kids today, 90 percent of them wear jeans every day.

      (2) gender IS more fluid today, and both sexes tend to play around with it more, rather than just thinking about it. My GF's son is "bi" as a 13 year old, even though he's not done anything with another boy .. and his GF is also, "bi" and has kissed a girl a few times. I can't IMAGINE any one of my friends back in middle/high school ever admitting that out loud.

      And I can remember many cartoons like that too. Girls definitely seemed a mystery to me as a child, especially since I was an only child. Betting the writers wanted to tap into that, and of course, stereotypes are definitely shortcuts / crutches (depending on how you want to view it!) in conveying ideas, especially in short bursts like cartoons .. and captions too!

  2. Wet bandits into teenage girls... interesting. I may have to do a cap like that this Christmas. Seems like many shows wanted to damage/influence me as a kid. Like this obscure Made for TV movie that had some boy forced to dress as a girly fairy for Halloween:

    After that, I had these weird fantasies about boys coming to school as girls!

    1. Hope you get a great caption out of it. My thoughts were that if the Wet Bandits were turned into teenage girls that ended up babysitting Kevin instead, there'd be much less violence in the movie, and Kevin would be spared the whole PTSD and abandonment issues he's likely to have ended up with. Plus, perhaps the old man is the one that did the changes, protecting Kevin .. and the feminine traps laid out would be so much more fun!

      Wow, a kid's show with Rhea Perlman and Richard Moll, AND directed by Savage Steve Holland?!? Seems like it should be more well known!

      I swear there's a TG story somewhere (perhaps Fictionmania) where a few boys seem to notice that one by one, their classmates are turning into girls? I can also remember one where a boy has a friend who is a younger girl, and he spurns her to play ball with his friends, and she turns them all into girls too.

    2. For anyone wondering, the 2nd story I mentioned about playing ball with his friends, it's a story called "Games of the Children" and written by Brandi Nicole. It's 4 parts, and seems to be the only story she wrote on Fictionmania .. unless she became someone else, which wouldn't be a huge shock when dealing with the TG Community.

    3. Dee, I know what story you are talking about on FM but forgot the name of it. Not coming up in searches on the site, but I had it saved somewhere. It was loosely based on the Final Destination franchise. I have a similar "inspired" series coming out soon on my Patreon about a football team that blames their losing streak on the fact that their school doesn't have a cheerleading team. They then slowly start to turn into cheerleaders one at a time.

    4. That sounds like a lot of fun, Courtney! I wish you'd publish your fiction again on Amazon. I own almost everything you had published on there.

    5. Thanks. I'm going to put stuff on Amazon again this fall since it looks like I'm going to be unemployed again come October. Time to be a full time TG writer!

  3. Great story and picture of the cheerleaders! So what happened in college? Did they go four years as frauds or did the new "girl" make the switch and become lesbian lovers? Zoe

    1. Really not sure, but I've just realized that with this being originally posted 5 years ago .. they both should have graduated by now! Wild!
