Thursday, September 23, 2021

All Grit and Balls Man .. That's What We Are!

Well, maybe not balls. But there's definitely plenty of grit there! Could even make some pearls!

That title is a quote from Keven Garnett of the Celtics, back in 2011-2012 or so. It was a quote that ended up on T-shirts and was a rallying cry as they went through the playoff run. I thought that would make a good heading for this caption, without giving away everything. I mean, I COULD have titled it with the last line, but why would anyone bother reading it then? Plus it's pretty cheeky to use it on a TG blog, if I do say so myself.

So, anyway, this one goes out to all my transgender friends out there that are more than just dreamers or those who just wish to have the fantasies in their heads. My thoughts and support are with you, sisters! It pisses me off when people are all, "They are just doing all this so that they can go in a women's bathroom, or excel in sports because blah blah blah!" Why yes! That is why they spend their lives tormenting themselves, and deal with family drama and public ridicule, so many hours of counseling and painful surgeries .. so they can perv out on some unsuspecting girls in a gendered restroom. 

It's so much easier to just back down and deal with the inner turmoil and just .. exist. But at some point, I think something just clicks and there is no doubt what must be done. Bless you all who are transitioning, planning on doing it, or have already completed the path. I hope that I am not minimizing what you go through, but just summarizing some of the struggles and bringing positivity to you all.

Who got my back? WE GOT YOUR BACK!


  1. Thank you, Dee. After decades of reading and dreaming, I have started the journey to womanhood. Sites such as yours have given me much pleasure over the years, but I can no longer ignore it. You explained it well.

    1. Happy that you have enjoyed my blog. It is a privilege I don't take lightly, that people come here for fun, but also, occasionally, something a bit deeper if they wish to receive it.

      And so glad to hear that after much soul searching, you are now starting your journey. May your path be filled with love, support and understanding, with few pot holes or negative energy. Blessings!
