Sunday, April 26, 2020

Giving Up So Soon .. and Not Going the Distance!

Nothing like getting on your high horse when you can't handle the high heels!

Writing this post up while the caption is pretty fresh in my mind. Made this one for Anny, who had disappeared for a few years on the Haven, but has recently come back. I am glad whenever people come back and get active again. Hoping it's not just a pandemic thing, though I'll understand if that is a big reason why. Most people are staying home and not going out much, so why not go to a place you used to inhabit on the internet, and maybe escape reality for a few minutes?

That could be why you are here right now! Judgment free zone here, right?

Well, sort of. In this caption, I am sort of going after the "enlightened folk that seem to have a superiority complex, even when they don't know they are doing it.  Sort of that "man-splaining" type of condescending attitude that reads its ugly head occasionally. I tend to do that from time to time, so no one is particularly immune to it.

And why not have fun with it, while having some fun with a few of the TG caption tropes that pop up in our little niche time and again.. There's a reason why cliches are rampant. They tend to work, even on a base level when you KNOW it's a cliche.

The fun part of creating this, was I actually knew where I was going with the caption as soon as I saw the photo. The "you didn't fulfill the requirement" resolution popped right into my brain and wouldn't let go of me unto I pulled it into a caption setting. From there, it was just working somewhat backwards .. It brought be back to the "men can't handle childbirth" saying, that a few women that have had kidney stones and been pregnant have debunked for me, but anyway! I thought about an average guy just completely tapping out right away when any sort of negativity came up.

"Why bother trying? I'll just give up and go back to the way things where when I was in control of everything in my comfortable world!"

Well, because most people can't just punt on a situation, but have to see things through to the end. And the way I wrote the ending, there is definitely a finality in what Steve chose to do, and maybe he actually will learn something in the long run .. which is probably, "don't bullshit Dee in any way!"

Hope you enjoyed this caption. Please comment below on the caption, and please check in with how you have been dealing with the worldwide situation lately. Maybe come up with how Steve ended up in this whole mess in the first place? Stay safe everyone!


  1. Okay, maybe I'm just feeling way too positive this morning (3k words on a new, short-deadline story will do that!) but I like to think he's being genuine, he really did learn something, and he intentionally kicked off the heels early knowing that it would mean the change is permanenent.

    At least, that's what I would have done!

    1. Maybe you are being positive! We definitely could use more of that in our society right now.

      I think he definitely meant what he was saying, but was clueless in how he said it, and probably how he thought about the situation. People can be genuinely tolerant, and still not get the sentiment and see things differently than what they were intended.

      I hear from others often about how i misread a situation because of how I see things, and even though I'm better now, I still see things through my privileged blinders.
