Monday, September 9, 2019

An Office Dress Code Survey .. Mandatory Only If You Fill It Out!

I'm actually at a loss for words right now! You'll have to take my word for it!

Made this for Ron (RMP) and I think it speaks for itself. Hopefully it will as I have been real busy over the last few days and don't have time to write up a posting tonight again. Feel free leaving comments below, especially if you want talk about dress codes or anything else that strikes your fancy after reading today's caption!

Here's what people have said on the Haven so far about it:

"Lucky Ron to fill out that survey and become Ronnie! I would gladly fill out that survey for this to happen."  ~ Shauna Marie

"Can I get a copy of that survey?  I want to share it with my boss.  Maybe we could put it in place in my office.  I'd be glad to be the first person to answer the questions." ~ Amanda McCree

Tried getting "Breaking the Rules" by AC/DC but Youtube seemed to have nothing from them available, so went with another classic slab of metal goodness!


  1. I love the caption, and I'm all for a questionnaire that helps me fit the clothing (LOL), but dress codes give me nightmares. I used to write the HR policies for my last company, and dress code was always such a mine field. It didn't help when managers were too cowardly to enforce it because they didn't want to have 'uncomfortable' conversations. Then, to make matters worse, you'd have other mangers who would walk around with measuring tapes to check skirt lengths and shoulder strap widths, but would turn a blind eye to pajama pants. Arggh!

    1. It seems like an field of landmines to try to write up and enforce. I remember working in a retail place where I had to wear an actual tie and dress shirt, while the women would come in wearing a sweatsuit and it was OK. I ended up bitching enough (they said I needed a tie to show that I was an employee) that all the women ended up having to wear a horrible red vest .. so I felt vindicated.

  2. Great fantasy caption. There was over on where a young man named James is converted into a Woman as part of an interview process. Seems the firm he wants to work with has a fantastic R & D department that " matches applicant's perfectly ? to the job. It is very sexy; tasteful. Check it out.

    1. The doesn't seem to be anything there at the link you provided.

      Glad you enjoyed the caption!
