Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Best Fourth of July Blockbuster TG Movie of 2016!

The 1980's movie you WANTED to see! Well, THREE years ago but still! NETFUX and CHILL!

Well, I made this caption in 2016 .. duh! If you hadn't seen it then, well, it's new to you now! Here is what I had to say back then!

So, I was sitting here around 11 PM and thought, I really should make something for July 4th here on the blog, especially since I usually post on Sunday nights. I thought about the fireworks, cookouts, and huge action movies that are usually released on this weekend, and figured I would just do something over the top, and perhaps even 'MURICA inspired.

So I typed in USA sexy girl into Google and about 30 pictures in, I found this one. "That is a bad ass American Woman that could possibly be a superhero too." So I wasn't sure what to do with her, so I put her in a caption setting and just started writing. A former marine / cop is changed into a woman somehow and overcomes it to beat her enemy and hundreds of other collateral damage seemed to be what started coming out, and what the hell, it seemed like lots of 80's movies so I kept going, even including a reunion with the ex-wife now that he understands her needs a bit better.

I used Mendoza because of course, the Simpsons, and once I came up with the name Barbie Que (and in my head I'm thinking Mendoza's gang mistakenly calls her the spanish pronunciation, "Barbie K") I thought, that action hero name needs to have a flamethower! It just had to be .. and from there, I just started coming out with Arnold quotes left and right.

Not to step too far out of bounds, but this IS what America is all about. Everything in this caption just screams "America" to me. Good, bad, in between, tasteless, jingoistic, egotistical, and also ironic enough to embrace all those qualities without blinking an eye. Happy Independence Day Everyone!

Everything I wrote then still stands .. and since I was a failure at writing something for this year, I figured I would at least post something good! Trust me, what I started for this year was HORRIBLE and I stopped half way through and just gave up! Enjoy some delicious apple pie from 2016 instead!

And as is tradition, here is Linda Carter turning into Wonder Woman. Something I used to do as a kid, hoping that *I* would turn into her as well! All I ever did was get dizzy! No sex change for me!


  1. My favorite action hero!!!!!
    I love this one!!!!

    1. My only regrets is not writing up more pithy movie quotes!

  2. As a fan of cheesy action flicks, and someone who got the Mendoza reference immediately, I wholeheartedly approve. Those boobs are lethal weapons with a double impact, and I'm willing to be those cartel members die hard between those thighs, especially if she goes commando. She may, in fact, be the last action hero America needs.

    OK, I'm done now. LOL

    1. Totally worked for me! Oh God! I can feel another one coming on!

      Soon enough, Mendoza was ... Missing in Traction!
