Saturday, August 19, 2017

Fit to Be Un-Tied!

One of my favorite black and white captions .. with many shades of femme gray inside!

Well, wouldn't you know it. Very busy week for me with the Madden Mobile release and a Rifftrax special presentation in theaters for the Five Doctors Special of Dr. Who on Thursday night. I've a few new things hanging around that I haven't completed, and instead of rushing them, I just figured I'd post something that perhaps people might have missed the first time.

Originally posted in May of 2013 for Leeanne, you can find it HERE if you wish to read more about the caption as far as its creation and about Leeanne herself.

I just still love the juxtaposition of how he is trying to project himself and how much the femininity has taken over. That cusp of just having some awareness, but not fully grasping the situation, it just solid gold in caption form. It's also a lot shorter than much of my recent captions. I need to get back to some brevity and not overwrite. Maybe my mind is telling me that I'm ready to start writing short stories? Well, SHUT UP, MIND! I would be surprised if you could come up with more than 6 pages on any story before you just get bored and hit save, never to go back to it again!

Oh yeah, where was I? Castigating my brain. Better than masticating my brain, I'll admit. I thought the whole point of reposting something was to make a nice short post that takes literally no time to post, and here I am at paragraph five or so. Anyway, I should be back on Sunday with something a bit more substantial to write about, with a new caption to boot!

Well, no Doctor Who song, but a ditty about time travel nonetheless. One of my fave bands!

1 comment:

  1. You should have time traveled back to the original post and set it on timer then you would have all day free.
    PS I am writing this next Thursday. Big news Wednesday Donald Trump accidently sacked himself.Tweets "I am curious orange! All is great."
