Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Yearly Work Review .. Really Needs Some Work!

The Old Boys Network has recently shed a few men to the New Girls Cluster.

Just a quickie for everyone as I run around trying to get a new (to me) car bought, insured and registered without going completely insane. By the weekend, everything should be taken care of, God willing and DMV approves.

As you can tell, I'm not a fan of the old boys network, and to be honest, people hiring friends and family unless they are really qualified for the positions for which they are being hired. And it happens even more now, as it's almost impossible to get to talk to an actual person until your resume has been processed by AI and algorithms .. and companies list jobs that aren't available, and haven't been for years. So anytime I can do something to upend that .. I am going to do so in the most fun-filled and amusing way.

I looked at this again before posting, and there could be a case for this being a mannequin caption, so I decided to add that to the labels, as well as inanimate. It wasn't my intention when I created this, but it is there a bit if you wish to read it that way.

I'll catch up with everyone real soon I think. March is always a rough month, but it's good when I can share that with everyone here in this community. Love you all!

Been in a Nine Inch Nails mood the last few days, so I'm passing it along to everyone else!


  1. Actually, not a bad job with all the benefits and discounts on the merchandise! Zoe

  2. I only ever see just the one label on your captions. Am I missing the others somewhere? This one only has technology listed for example.
