Saturday, May 4, 2024

GMO .. Genetically Modified .. Orbs?

It's amazing how some things just inspire you on a whole different level!

I was just plowing along, trying to figure out something that would make me chuckle, and I came across this image in an aggregate pron website. Literally what I did for the last few captions, where I just picked something from the 1st two pages of images, and I guffawed at this one, and knew it'd make a fun little quickie, perhaps even a micro-quickie. To give credit to the model, it's an Onlyfans model named miatamommy.

And I'm still wondering if I went and overwrote the premise for the caption, and should have left it at the original zinger. I really don't know, but I feel that Seth Meyers would describe it as a "hat on a hat". What says, you the readers?

I do hope that everyone gets the idea of this caption, and wonder if it's something more just in the United States. Are oranges sold in red mesh bags in the rest of the world like they are sold here? I remember reading an article from Mental Floss recently on why the bags are red. .. which you can read HERE.  To blubify it for those who don't want to read the whole article .. "The color orange "pops" when paired with the color red more so than it does with yellow, green, or blue. That means when you see a bunch of oranges behind a red net pattern, your brain assumes they're more "orange" (and therefore fresher and higher quality) than it would if you saw them on their own."

And that is where I came up with the idea for this quickie caption. Hope you enjoy it!

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