Sunday, December 3, 2023

We're Talking About .. New Squad Goals!

What happens if your high school cheer squad has no really strong girls on it?

Well, as you can see in this caption, sometimes you have to think outside the box .. or the pyramid!

Hey look .. a new caption! I wasn't planning on making one, never mind posting it, but I wrote up a blog post for literally the last caption I'd made from the back stock I accumulated .. and it was another caption shot mostly from behind, so you saw legs and booty. I try not to post captions that are designed the same one after another .. so when that happened, I decided to whip something up on the spot where I had some spare time to do so. Be on the lookout for another one like the last one in a few days!

So it's a quickie, as I went through a few directories of pictures that I save for future inspiration. Originally I had saved it thinking that I could create something with the girl on the top .. but when I had looked again, I thought it'd be more interesting if I chose the girl holding her up. I think it's a more interesting story to be honest, and more realistic if I was being completely honest. And as I was crafting it, I figured out how to make an actual story out of it, with the resolution tying up the plot pretty nicely. That whole last paragraph was just a big "A-ha!" moment. My thought in the 1st three paragraphs that having to "repeat" senior year as a girl would be an interesting moment, and putting the "balance" of the routine with the "balance" of his possible future was a great way to finish it all up. Sometimes things just resolve themselves, don't they?

And lastly, another reason I used the image is .. I was running out of time to use this picture anyway, considering the huge fucking 2023 in the background! I'm so economical with my photo storage plans!


  1. Very cleaver story Dee. Does the potential scholarship for Melinda include the costs of surgery to help conform to the requirements to be on the team? Zoe

    1. Well, I think in college, many of the teams are co-ed, and I wonder if they still have to be dressed in gendered outfits, or if they can be whichever side they wish to be on.

  2. Love your caps. The photos are always feminine and the writing top notch.

    1. Thank you so much, anonymous person! That brings a smile to my lips!

  3. Like the cap. Could be a springboard to a story if someone wants.

    I hope Melinda knows if "she" takes the scholarship, her name will be on the diploma... so she will be the one looking for a job

    you know, that could be an interesting story - Melinda gets a job for a couple of years... then she says she feels like a man within, and she "transitions" back to male self?

    1. Well, as I often write captions that are "in the moment," I have no issues with people making their own backstory in their minds, or continuing the story however they would like it to be. Your guess is as good as mine, since it hopefully stimulates your imagination to ponder what happens next!
