Wednesday, November 29, 2023

You and Me Baby, Ain't Nothing but Mammals ..

So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel! Getting horny now!

Is this the first caption I've written that was inspired by a Bloodhound Gang song? I think so, but I can't say for sure .. I mean, I've been making captions for 16 years now? I've got 2,300+ posts here, and I was captioning a few years before on Rachel's Haven, so perhaps. But, I think this was a lot of fun to make, so who cares what inspired it originally? 

And I guess it's one for those who like butts and legs, and if you'd like to imagine that you are Liam, then it's easy to suspend reality for you if you are fantasizing. You get both viewpoints too, so perhaps if you'd like to be Damien at that moment, you can just jump right in and have yourself a good time slapping your balls against the back of Liam's thighs!

I hope that Damien isn't as clueless as he's made out to be here. Maybe one or two more viewings and he'll figure it out. I tend to have that problem too .. weird that one of the main characters has my name as well, eh? I tend to think that women are just being nice, when in actuality, they are flirting big time. Sorry to any women out there that were totally hot for my chili, and I totally blew them off because I wasn't reading the clues properly. And truth be told, I actually mad one woman literally "present rearly" for me, where I bent her over a couch .. and then proceeded to just adjust their back with a massage. It wasn't until they started grinding their ass into my thighs that I got the message. And somehow, I managed to get laid fairly regularly since I was a teenager. 

Well, I did a quick look to see if there WERE any captions on this blog that were inspired by the song, and I didn't see any .. but I found a good discussion question from back in 2014 that solicited some good responses from people. Here it is, and I hope you'll respond!

DISCUSSION QUESTION: What excited or thrilled you the most when you first had the TG bug hit you? For those old enough, it can be pre-internet. How long did it take before it escalated somehow, whether from finding something online or in real life, and how consuming was it? Has it leveled off, reached a point of consistency, or varied between periods of binges and purges?

Hmmm, doesn't seem like Blogger is letting me find the original video for the song that was shot in Paris, and was the center of some controversy. I guess we'll have to make due with just the song I guess!


  1. Great cap Dee, using a wonderfully sexy image!

    For your discussion question, I think what thrilled and excited me the most when I got the TG bug was how it was so different than what I'd fantasized about before. As a teen, I'd had plenty of fantasies about bedding sexy women. But when TG was entered, I internally turned those fantasies around. It was like a two for one coupon! As for escalating... that took years and years. I'd say going from those early fantasies and enjoyment of online content to making caps myself. The process of making caps and sharing with the community is what took it all to the next steps.

    The fantasies now a days is less a spike in escalation like the original discovery and the introduction to capping. But it's still escalating, just slowly. Refining.

    Anyway, great discussion topic. Can't wait to hear what other people have to say!

    1. So you've had an evolution from back when you were a teen to where you are now. That sounds like a great journey! Who knows where you'll be 20 years from now.

  2. Had to think on your question for a few days. And honestly not sure I fully understand it, but I'll answer as best I can. For me, what really got me going back when I realized that stuff like this got me going, it was the makeover itself, imagining all the details. I blame all of those movies and TV shows where male characters would spy on a slumber party and get caught for all this, to be honest. And I suppose it ebbs and flows with my muse, I find I think about it less when writer's block sets in.

    1. The classic Slumber Party scenario! That is definitely a thing for teenagers who are into TG I think. For me, another one was the hair salon / beauty parlor set up too. And both still work for me in general!

      And the question was mostly about what first stimulated you when it came to TG stuff, and how that led to where you are now.
