Saturday, November 11, 2023

Working It Out in Reel Life!

Just a quick little TG caption diversion for everyone!

I am pretty sure this is a tik-tok or IG screenshot .. but I thought it was interesting, and would make a cute little Dee Mentia caption. I don't think Dr. Mentia has been around for a bit, so it's nice to see her still practicing therapy for some lucky people, and she can still be an influencer. That's a bonus!

This is the first weekend this fall that is going to be pretty cold outside, with it dropping to the mid 20's tonight .. which for those of you not in the USA, is below freezing. I even brought up the bottles of water and soda that I had in my car. That and it getting dark by 5 PM sucks .. but I've got plenty of time off before January, so it's not all bad.

If you enjoy this caption, please save it, as since it's probably an IG person, I will pull it down in a week or two. Don't want to anger the content gods, so I think 10 days should be enough time. Have a great rest of the weekend, my friends!

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