Saturday, February 18, 2023

Live for the Moment .. Our Lives Are Made Up of So Many Moments

It seems like a waste to let any of those chances slip away. 

I am trying to motivate myself to stay strong. This caption is a piece of that desire to keep myself in a positive manner, as I see many lives around me become affected by some outside forces, but also how they see themselves. Their self image and how it makes other see them as well. I can feel it, and wonder how much they could accomplish if they didn't cut themselves off at the knees.

Confession time .. I am an empath. I can feel others, and I try to help my friends, my family, and sometimes even people I don't really know all that well. and one of the things I notice is how often those that I try to help have a horrible sense of self. They think they are imposters, frauds, and that everyone knows it. That they don't deserve good things to happen to them. And it can be hard to see the good in you, when all that seems to happen is bad.

I have a pretty good sense of self and have a good idea of who I am .. says the person writing a TG caption blog under a female persona that I've inhabited for almost 20 years! Ha! Anyway, I don't really take the things that I do as the sum of who I am. I am not defined by my job, my hobbies, or my location. I've had issues where I can't do the things I used to do, but I still don't define myself by those limitations. I do have good self esteem.

And that is a gift I'd like to give everyone I know. Everyone has doubts. Everyone has fears. Trials and tribulations that should hopefully sharpen our resolve and make us better. Please don't let that wear you down instead. We've got only one go around in this world (that we know of) and no matter how many people there are in the world .. there's only one you. You matter to someone. That person you held the door open for .. The smile you gave to a mother that was trying to calm down her noisy child while everyone else was looking at her harshly because she couldn't control her offspring .. the LIKE to a post your friend put on Facebook after a long day, where you confirms that people do read, and affirm what you have to say.

But mostly .. DO SOMETHING! Anything that could move you forward. Wallowing is the worst thing to do. I see signs myself when I'm starting to fall into despair. Just doing a bit of self-care, like a long shower, or shaving can give me some momentum. Then I'm heading out and impacting others. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and can influence the movement of others too!

So, you don't have to wait until you are given the magical gift of being a sexy, empowered female. Anything that the narrator (which is me, if you didn't figure that out) mentioned can be done now. Wear a skirt and heels .. have sex with a guy or a girl, jump out of a plane (hopefully with a parachute!) but do SOMETHING!

Please ruminate on my words, and make an impact on your life, and for friends, family, complete strangers!

At the very least .. SING!  Even if you don't think you can .. you can!


  1. What a timely caption, Dee, and one that so perfectly captures my feelings/needs over the last week. Goddess going back to school has been a financial struggle, and seeing her able to just enjoy the moment with a boyfriend who doesn't share my anxieties and who doesn't have to worry about the bills makes me envious of that freedom. I'm actually working on a feminization/dollification short story now to sort of self-soothe, and this just resonates so perfectly. Thank you! :)

    1. So glad I was able to help bring that into focus for you!

      Irony of ironies is that I made this caption, then my current GF and I talked things out and we're going to take a break from each other being serious. She is going through a lot of anxiety and other issues, and she feels like she's not giving me what she should in keeping up a relationship, and I tend to agree. No harm no foul. Weird to have an adult version of a breakup without too much drama, at least so far. I liked her a lot, but it's really hard to deal with the amount of anxiety she has built up over the last 18 or so months. Honestly still not used to being single, but maybe a one night stand or two might be in play? Never know!

      That story certainly sounds like it could be a doozy!

  2. oh, this should have been the accompanying song.....

    1. I almost went with "Sing for the Day" by Styx, but thought it was too obscure. Your suggestion was less so. I don't always think about 1960's songs, though I should!
