Saturday, February 25, 2023

Lazy? Or Crazy Like a Fox(ygirl)!!

Not sure that Dad really had his plan worked out fully, or underestimated his offspring!

Oh and .. GET OFF MY LAWN!

Anyway! This is a quickie that gets right to the point. I mean, it's winter vacation for the youth in school. Who the hell wants to shovel snow when you can watch other cuties do it from the comfort of your own living room? I know that I certainly didn't, and it didn't build any character in me! Just made me want to have just enough money to pay someone else to do it!

So how'd you have reacted to this situation .. going back to the gender change in the first place. Who'd have thought that it would be your dad that did that to you, and not some gothy aunt or a step-mom? And what happens next? Do you grow into becoming Daddy's Little Girl, or something else?

Here's a new song from a Japanese all-female metal band. Sounds great, and they are all good musicians. To me it sort of sounds like an updated version of Helloween with some current prog metal flourishes.


  1. She looks perfectly hot to me. Maybe she should open the curtains and do some poses.

    1. Well, then she could get Shane to shovel the snow for them ALL the time!

  2. Nice change its Dad and not some off the all Aunt or Mom. Sure is right to the point. Nice and snappy, how I like it. Dad certainly did not fully understand his offspring. She's got some quick wit now, so some of the laziness is fixed. Smarter too, as why shovel snow when you can watch some cutie do it. Dad will give his "little" girl money one last time. She'll be Shanes problem.

    1. Yeah, I think that Dad was misguided there, that becoming a girl was a punishment that would set 'her' straight!
