Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Courtney Captisa's Brother .. PRONTO!

Unlike the file name "Pronto" It took 3 months for me to post it here, so definitely not PRONTO!

I am not quite sure how this caption came about. Sometimes Courtney gives me a picture that she'd like to see captioned, but I went back quickly and couldn't find it within our chats, nor did I see this caption sent in message format either. I made this around the time I made 2 other captions for her back in September, so it must've been something to do with her, but I'll be damned if I can remember!

Ahhhh, not a biggie as I'm pretty sure I'm already damned for lots of other things I've done, or not done!

Anywho, the reason it wasn't posted until now? I'm betting it has to do with Sissy Kaaren's death announcement, as I wrote up a post within 24 hours or so about that horrible reveal. I'm guessing I put it on the backburner, and then just started posting other things instead.

I think the story matches well with the image, which truthfully told, I probably wouldn't have used unless I could tie it into the story, which I did do at the end. I'm looking over it again, and I probably should have differentiated the 1st paragraph from the rest, as italicized white text is Courtney's thoughts, and it's a narrative paragraph. URRGGHH, now I'm wondering if I had finished the caption in the first place. Oh well! Better to highlight issues with my work, so at in the least, I can show others things that we creators are definitely not infallible. 

Hope you are having a good week. I have another Holiday-ish caption written up, so I'm up to SIX now I think? I believe there's only 1-2 more "normal" captions before we kick off the "Dee Mentia's Christmas Extravaganza Featuring NO Tony Danza!" so Let's get krunk, bitches!


  1. Seems like Dee's magic worked! What does Courtney have to say?
    And love the extra about Dominick the Donkey! Had never heard this song till last week on way to work and it is playing all the time! Thanks for including it Dee. Zoe

    1. Haven't heard from Courtney yet. She can be busy at times. We'll talk like 5 days in a row, and then gone for a month. I am sure she'll catch up with it at some point in the near future.

      And The Christmas Donkey is a "classic" here. Been listening to it for years, and it's one of those holiday songs that people either love, or absolutely hate.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! It's about as good as a caption with a girl dressed "normally" can get I think! LOL

  3. I was on a delayed response as well! Thanks for the lovely cap. Love the hypnosis themes involving brothers. Funny enough, I was working on a cap a few weeks ago that he one of those corny 1950s style Tunnel of Love rides in it. I believe it was turning my county fair themed week.
