Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Relative Bargain on Black Friday!

Have fun if you are heading out for Black Friday deals. You'll never know what you can find!

Just a little quickie for those who are braving the crowds this coming Black Friday. I tend to do most of my shopping online now, and you just don't usually get to meet a real wizard when you buy things on Amazon! I like going thrifting, but a lot of the funky places I used to go have either closed, or gotten very expensive. Church bazaars are ripe with some kitschy stuff too, but many churches aren't holding them yet due to the continued pandemic. And of course, everyone online knows exactly how much everything is worth, or at least THINK their knick-knacks are worth way more than they really are.

The main thing though is I want you all to be safe and sound, with those you care about. I am thankful for each and every visitor here. It's because of you all that I am still making captions and responding to comments. You have consistently raised me up when I needed comfort, and I hope that my little blog here inspires you, and gives you a chuckle and a smile, whenever you need one.


  1. Being as I live only about 3 miles away from a Wal-Mart where an employee was fatally trampled by the customers rushing in Black Friday a few years ago .... no thanks. Might get some shopping started... saw a nice jacket for a friend and my male alter ego has been told about a nice night dress and maybe new hair for me...

    1. I hear you on that. Last time I showed up anywhere near the chaos was at Walmart around 7 AM when the store had already been open for 2 hours.

      And I hope you do make those purchases, as it seems like a lot of fun in store if you do! Maybe they'll let you try the dress on in the store?

    2. Oh, I was not going to the Mob Scene. I was thinking online for those two. And... really, outside of MAYBE a Vickie's, where I can't go (I think they max at 14), trying on lingerie even for ciswomen is ... a little tacky? (a bra FITTING is not. THAT is useful. )

  2. I personally never got the whole ‘black Friday’ deal shopping at 5 am… or 4am, or 3am, or 2am, or late Thanksgiving night… and being on the opposite side of that onrush of customers for a few years has made me more than happy to sleep in and enjoy my turkey coma.

    That being said I’ve also never been stuck looking for great deals on hard to find things and I can understand where a parent would brave that crowd if it meant they could get their kid a rare PS5 or good TV for a couple hundred hard earned bucks. But yeah, online shopping is way WAY easier.

    Although, missing out on a ‘Spells R Us’ find does work against online shopping! Great cap Dee!

    1. Yay! Comments on2 captions in a row from Caitlyn / C indeed is a Thanksgiving miracle!

      I never braved the crowds at those major sorts of places at the opening, a la Walmart, Best Buy, Toys R Us or anything like that. I'd usually wait at least a few hours. In the last 10 years or so, Black Friday has always concluded the end of my Christmas Shopping, and I'd that online Thursday night, and go to any store for in-store pick up around 30 minutes before they closed on Black Friday .. which was usually around 10:30 PM or so and there were hardly anyone around! It's been epic like that!

  3. If only there was a SRU store around I would get up at any hour to be there today. Zoe

    1. I think they are suppose to just randomly pop up where you least expect it. I'm guessing that we are ALWAYS expecting it, so it's why we never see it!

  4. Getting caught up in a malaisie to get a bargain - no thanks. The way Spells R Us pop up anywhere, might not be such a bad thing as Ron/Rhonda discovered. I trust there's also the beginnings of a new wardrobe in those bags.

    1. I think you are right about the new bags. I'm guessing there is at least a LBD and a killer pair of heels inside to start things off with a bang!

  5. Just when I had seen every Basic Bitch thing in life, I see someone wearing a Black Friday shirt.

    1. There is now a shirt for EVERYTHING! If you can't find it, you can make it.

      I know there HAS to be Spells R' Us shirts out there, like, "My husband went to Spells R Us and all I got was a bimbo lesbian lover with big tits .. oh and I grew a penis!"
