Monday, May 10, 2021

Happy Belated Mother's Day to Everyone! Joanna's Gender Reveal!

Figured I'd do a slightly different take on that new sort of pop culture happening!

The last caption was the first part of the Mother's Day weekend, where the newly made woman wasn't quite "with child" but was certainly looking, as per some sort of compulsion I am guessing. And here we have something I whipped up on the fly this Monday afternoon, with only 'lab results' in mind when I went looking for a picture to work with my idea, and "You are definitely a woman" as my guide.

But as I started writing it, I thought, the first line is technically a "gender reveal" so let's go with that and tie everything into a neat little bow, and have her be pregnant but not showing, and wrapping up the important weekend .. I mean, everyone HAS had a mother at some point!

So, it just grew from there, as I figured whatever was at work to bring "him" into the doctor would continue to fix things until everything worked out for the best. I'm sure it really *IS* a big surprise to her, and her fiancé .. as none of this was in play just a few minutes prior .. or was it? Maybe you should tell me what actually happened? Did she end up with fertility meds that had something extra in them? Let me known down below what you believe is the back story. It's really an open book, or open patient file! And since it stars recent returnee Joanna Cale, why not let her know what happened to her!

Hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. I certainly did! A few moments of sadness, but I was able to overcome that. Luckily for me, I've gone through every event and holiday at least once now since becoming a widower, and I hung out with my new 'girlfriend' at her house. I ruminated on my past, and thought about some things in the future, which I definitely couldn't have done 8 or 9 months ago. Thank you for everyone being here and offering your support. It's meant so much to me, and I know that I can lean on you again if the need arises. I couldn't have gotten through my mourning and grief without each and every one of you who have commented or sent me messages through those hard time.

Love you all, those who love the mothers in their lives, and those who wish to be as well!


  1. He went to a special lab, to find out, how or why it happen. What he found out he became a girl, a actual girl. Not just physically, but biologically, even genetically to. That he was barely ware of it. But biologically was a surprise to him. What a surprise that he is talked to as he was a woman.
    But his memories was change to, it like his err her life as a woman, she discovers that she pregnant, pregnant another thing. That is a mystery thou than being a woman.

  2. Okay, in order:
    I'm glad that things are looking up for you and that you have got through this weekend. That the year has begun to look up. That there is good.

    And *squee* thank you for the caption role, it's made me red all day with slightly flustered, embarrassed happiness.

    As for the caption itself, I do like the way in which the conversation clearly develops and changes as whatever has happened takes hold and alters reality, and design-wise, the words coming down the centre really grounds the characters and makes it easy to read through in order to that lovely split at the end. I also note the font, it's a small tweak, but it really makes the story pop.

    As for for what happened... It's given me a few ideas that I want to explore a bit more (I have some things that may work here) and that has been lovely as I haven't had fiction/caption ideas for aaaaaages. Oh, and yes, I love the title.

    Once again, you make people happier than you know and your general kindness and empathy shows through.


    1. Glad you enjoyed it! It's not everyday that I can embarrass AND fluster someone while making them happy too! And also thrilled that I could be your muse!

      And I appreciate the compliments as well!

    2. I keep reading it again and getting all fluttery...
