Friday, February 19, 2021

The Not-So-Happy Couple? What Makes You Say That?

So, who will be the first to say something? Anything? Let's hope someone speaks up soon!

I am home for the day, as I feel like absolute shit at the moment. Having inner ear issues, which is throwing off my sense of balance .. which can be seen in this caption, where I used a Dutch angle to highlight some of the off-kilter ideas I am presenting here .. well off-kilter if you aren't a regular visitor to this blog at at least!

But I wanted to highlight some of the "grass is greener on the other side" thoughts that we have when it comes to gender and identity. What one person sees as less than ideal set of parameters to work with, others might think of it as a charming quirk that is enviable. Who's to say what is right or wrong?

And this caption was pretty much a happy accident, as I was finishing up lunch at home, hoping I could keep some food down (I've had vertigo over the last 18 hours or so!) and I hopped on Pinterest, figuring there might be something there that I could work into a caption, and this photo came through the feed.

It just grabbed me, the contrasts between their height, foot size, and almost everything else about the couple .. and just how they posed with each other. Something was there that I needed to highlight. I am not even that fond of the overall snapshot, but what was contained inside content wise needed to be explained and elaborated upon. Hopefully the complete picture and thoughts each made an impact.

If you can't quite follow it, you should read the caption across the picture from left to right, then back again. I wanted them to be concurrent thoughts in their new heads so it's slightly staggered .. and I actually flipped the source picture so that his size could be used as a design element. Thought that might work on a subconscious level to show the new points of view. Whether that worked or not is up to you, the readers. Just something I thought might give a bit more depth to the complete work.

Let's talk about this blog exclusive in the comments, and see if you can think of other things that these two would have thought about that I didn't cover in the caption. I'd like to see what you can come up with! Don't be too shy!


  1. Hey, one man's meat is another man's poison.... just like what they say the difference is between a woman and a CD - a woman can't wait to get home to take off her high heels, and a CD can't wait to get home to put them on....

    and the height disparity there is not THAT bad. A foot or so? You get a short woman, who is about 5' nothing, date a man who is 6 feet, or a little above, barely the tall side of average.... that is what you see. Been there.

    1. Love the quote about the difference between a woman and a CD!

      I figured the height differential was more than a foot because she seems to be a bit out in front of him, but perhaps the pose helps. And no matter what, I got a caption story out of it! :)

  2. Aw, this one's really darn cute! I'm glad when everyone involved gets what they want.

    1. Well, they only get what they want if they end up talking about it! I think that makes it a bit more interesting. Will they offer up their true feelings?

      Glad you liked it. I think the picture is one of those VSCO type tweets.

  3. Ugh, hope you feel better soon, Dee. There's cute bimbo dizzy and then just plain nauseous dizzy. Not a good feeling.

    I actually read this top-to-bottom as 2 sort of newspaper columns, then went back and read it across after reading your notes, and it works both ways. It's a fun caption, and that grass-is-greener aspect is something we don't explore often enough in captions.

    1. Glad it worked for you both ways. I guess it's good to be bi-visual!

      I'm not dizzy now, thank goodness!

  4. Another great caption/story which has lots of truths to it! Thanks Dee! Zoe
