Saturday, June 8, 2019

Stacy's Mom Has Got It Going On

Well, yeah, I stole stuff from a 15 year old or so song. Just guess who gets changed into whom?

I dare ya!

Anyway, yeah. I saw this photo and needed to caption it, especially once I had the song running through my head. The music video plays out the story fairly well, even ripping off Fast Times at Ridgemont High, but it certainly isn't the way that *I* wanted it to go.

Both the song, ans especially the video, make the boy really clueless, and yeah, he certainly is. I remember my dad telling me when I was a young lad in my early teens, "Damien. Dammit! Listen to me, well get me a beer and THEN listening to me! Here is the key to life. Look at the parents of the girls you date very closely, and their blood relative aunts and uncles. THAT is what SHE is going to look like when she gets older. Are they fat slobs? Well guess what, she will be too! Now get me another beer and change the fucking channel."

My point is that I would tell the protagonist of the song, "you've got a good girl there that likes you a lot, and she's going to be WICKED HOT as she gets older. Enjoy yourself before she dumps you for the captain of the lacrosse team!

OR my way, that you make some wayward wish and some pixie wood sprite that is mad you mowed down her dandelion patch decides to give you exactly what you want. I can't see any downside at all to this branch of alternate realities, can you?

So, can you think of some other songs that we can TG up in caption format? I'm sure I've done many over the past 10 years, but what music do you offer up to the goddesses of gender fuckery as a tribute to bend the plot to satisfy our sex change urges?

Jeez, trying to find the original video is REALLY hard. Guess you get this one instead!


  1. Lovely cap, suits the song very well.

    I would like to offer "After Dark" by Tito & Tarantula to the goddesses. I think that has real potential.

    1. Glad you liked it! I was like, "where did I hear that song title before?" and I pulled it up on Youtube and was like, "Oh yeah! From Dusk till Dawn" Not sure what I can do with it though, because all I can think about right now is Selma Hayek!

    2. Now that's why I didn't mention the movie, I was hoping you could do something with it without being reminded of that magnificent scene.
      To be honest, at first I wanted to use this song for the May contest at the Haven, but I couldn't get past Salma Hayek myself ;)

    3. And how exactly is thinking about Selma Hayek not helpful to capping?

  2. When I mowed lawns many ages ago, I never had a client like Stacey and even a Stacey who had a great looking daughter. My, how times have changed!!!! Zoe

  3. Great cap, and I love that song. I've actually grown quite fond of the postmodern jukebox version too.

    1. PMJ is the Best! I havent been excited about a music group in a long time and now I have PMJ, Haley R, Casey A, and Robyn A. Its fantastic.
