Friday, November 16, 2018

A Busy Bee Who Doesn't Want Life to Drone On Endlessly!

Not sure exactly where that title came from, but I had nothing else that was even slightly catchy.

In general, I enjoy my rut in life. It's nice and comfy .. but occasionally we all get the desire to have no responsibilities or worries and look back like we never used to. Then again, I think everyone's lives are now way too structured.

I think that this is a very innocent caption in feel and in scope, which is why I didn't mind using a minor in the picture, especially since you don't see her face. Who doesn't dream of going back to the whimsical days of our youth, and this time as a different gender with a whole different set of experiences to live through for the first time?

As Jennifer Elizabeth said in a comment, "My time was plenty structured. To do it all over again, but as a girl, is something I would jump at in a heartbeat. I missed out on all the pretty dresses and hairstyles. This is a great story and perfect cap for me."

I think I might have been the last generation that wasn't scheduled for 24 hours a day. During school, we came home, dropped off our school books, through on some play clothes, and went outside until dinner. Then after supper, we did any homework we had to do, then watched some TV, took a bath if we needed one, then went to bed. In the summer, it was eat breakfast, then head out to play somewhere with friends, often eating lunch at whichever house was closest to our fun, then maybe head to my grandma's pool. A quick supper then little league if we had a game that day, or ride our bikes until the street lights came on.

And now, as an adult, I'm not very productive as I like to daydream, wander around the internet aimlessly, and it's hard to get motivated to do stuff other than hang around. So maybe having a structured life IS good for you in the long run. Or, if that was my life, I'd never have gotten around to making 1500+ captions. I guess you can take the good with the bad, huh?

So what childhood experience would you most like to go back and live through as a girl? First communion or wedding as a flower girl so you can get your fancy dress on? First day of school in a plaid skirt, mary janes and white tights? Being fitted for a training bra? Slumber party? Feel free to dish with everyone else in the comment section. I'm sure one of these or something I didn't mention is an experience you'd love to have had as a female.

Korn's first few albums made an impact on me in my youth, and then they became sort of hit and miss throughout most of the rest of their career. Jonathan Davis put out a solo album this year that took 10 years to make. It's another hit or miss proposition, but the good tracks are REALLY good. This song was the single for the soundtrack to American Satan, and I keep coming back to it, time and again when I need that touch of nostalgia while wanting to hear something fresh.


  1. I think just school by itself would be interesting to me. My school was very traditional on what boys and girls got to do. Getting to wear the cheerleader outfit for games or trying out for gymnastics at all wouldve been fun to me.

    1. I've never been anywhere good enough to be a dancer, even when doing a line dance, I can never pick up the right number of steps and moves. I am not sure I'd ever be able to pick up any routines well enough to be a cheerleader! Good luck!

  2. I agree with Alexis.....going back to school as a girl for me!!! Little plaid skirts....oh my....
    Seriously though....I was sent to Catholic School for eight long years and the girls got away with murder while the nuns took their sexual repression out on the boys......those evil women literally beat the religion out of me!!! On graduation day when Father Dooley handed me my diploma I told him that he'd never see me again and I never went back!!!!
    When I think back on all of them now.....Sister Helen and Sister Barbara, Sister Francis and Sister Victor and all the others I really hope they all died of something really slow and painful....
    But I'd go back there as a girl for sure....

    1. You went to Catholic School with all those sadistic nuns, and you wonder how you became a submissive sissy? LOL

      Since I want to dress up all in black and control others, and I went to Catholic School too, does that mean I wanted to be a nun?!?

  3. There are so many events I would love to live over again, and changing from ring bearer to flower girl at my cousin's wedding would definitely be one. I'd also love to have a second chance at school, to go to dances and not be a wallflower standing in the corner, and that first high school party, where I was too shy to talk to the girl I liked . . . it would have been wonderful to be in her shoes (she got plenty of attention).

    Really, though, I'd like a total do-over - change my schooling, new career, different lifestyle. It sucks being a stressed out breadwinner, I'd love to be the sexy secretary turned trophy wife. :)

    1. I just remember my first communion, and how uncomfortable I was in my little fake suit with the clip on bow tie, and how cute and happy all the girls were in their princess type gowns or dresses, where they'd twirl around so happily. It is no wonder we boys would act so much like animals considering we were wearing monkey suits!

      I totally understand your last sentence, though I don't know many people at all where the woman gets to stay home and be a trophy wife. It's a nice thought, but most women I know work as hard as the guys do, and a few make more than the men .. I for one, make more per hour than the GF, but she works more hours so she brings home about 5K more than I do each year.

  4. I luurrr this caption and her sweet little dress. I would love for my wish to envelope me as strong as Licy got hers. Well done!!
