Tuesday, March 27, 2018

By Her Majesty's Satanic Requests ... A Diabolical Tailor!

Who knew THAT would work? We do that in my household at least twice a week and nothing ever comes out of it!

Made this one for Jezebel, as I wanted to give her something, and I've not been in a whimsical land of fairies in quite some time; so instead I gave her some whimsical, sarcastic banter which I do spend most of my time dwelling in and around. I'm just that sort of person!

What I like about this caption is that no magic was intended or implied to happen, it just sort of did. Has a "whooops!" feel to it where it is completely accidental. The whole thing is playful, all of the dialog snaps like a Slim Jim, and as I've said in other captions, it just feels like real life to me, even when you throw in something magical into the mix.

Not sure just what else to say, other than having an alluring model that is gorgeous, but not incredibly curvaceous did help sell the story better than a buxom blond bombshell. Any questions you'd like answered, about this caption, captions in general, or something else that is on your mind? Fire away!

Just something so primal lust like about her when she gets to the word "NOW!"


  1. I don't know if my reaction would be that,,,,accepting....
    I might be screaming for quite a while if my body suddenly changed into a real girl....
    I like the inadvertent aspect here.....a sarcastic prayer answered so promptly and completely....I'd walk on eggshells around her from now on!!!!

  2. I love it. Unintended consequences are so much fun.
