Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Memory Remains ... Blog Exclusive

Yeah, Dee can do 'poignant' too sometimes.

Didn't want to quite get back into funny and/or anything Dee-vil so I went back to the D'archives and found something I made for one of the Haven Quarterly Zines from the Haven. Five people were given the picture used above, and were told to use it in a caption. I believe it was called "One Picture / Many Artists." There was no other theme, guideline, or instructions. We were to use it in any way we wanted.

The black and white called out to me, and I didn't feel like a sexy caption was in order. The 10th anniversary of 9/11 was coming up too, and the newspaper drew me into that thought even more. I had read about a movie that was coming out called, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" which dealt with a boy trying to find a lock for which his dad's key would fit. The father (Tom Hanks) would do scavenger hunts with his son, but died in one of the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. I put those two ideas together and generated a plot that I thought would work with the photo.

It was my little way of thinking that perhaps fate shouldn't always be so final. Maybe the spirit lives on, and perhaps those spirits can be redirected. Perhaps if anything to show that life does go on. For some people, 10 years is a long time, .. and for others, it still isn't long enough.

 "we were so close, there was no room, we bled into each others wounds."