Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Valentine's Day Leftovers .. A Whim or a Lark? You Decide!

.. or was it a joke? Perhaps all three .. at first!

Made this one a day or two after Valentine's Day, so it definitely wasn't going to be posted then, but I'm certainly not going to wait until next year to have it up on the blog, so it's being post almost right in the middle of Valentine's Day and Steak and a Blowjob Day .. which seems appropriate I think!

And it's a bit of a tribute to ShySteffie, who I miss deeply as a close friend of mine back in the olden days of Rachel's Haven. It's not as silly as some of the captions we made for each other, but I think it carries the spirit of camaraderie many of the staff had back then. And it's straightforward and slightly steamy, but also playful and has a bit of whimsy. Who doesn't like those sort of captions?

Amish Country was fine, though it was weird to see a young Mennonite at a shop using a digital self-stitching sewing machine right out on the open, making a small quilt. That's not something you see everyday! Driving through New York was also an adventure, in a way that the movie Road Warrior was a driving instructional video! It was nice to get away for a day or two, but I much prefer my terra firma exactly where I left it!

I was originally going to highlight "I Started a Joke" from the Bee Gees, but I'd seen this about a week or two ago, and it's just a vocal masterclass on falsetto, vibrato and harmonies. I always respected the Bee Gees, but until recently, really haven't given them their due, since I always fell into the trap of 70's disco hatred. These hits are mostly from their big embrace of disco, and damn .. that is just PURE TALENT on display!

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