Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Learned It the Hard Way!

Sometimes it's best not to think about things from before you were born too much!

Saw a picture online and thought about some early 2000's 'porn' I have on my computer still. Most of it cannot be used because it's quite dated .. the hairstyles and clothing, the computers and technology seen in the pictures, the lack of high quality images .. and there isn't THAT much demand for that right now.

But I thought of a way that I could use it to my advantage, and started writing up the story .. and then I really couldn't find any photo that worked for it .. so I just chose something that worked well enough from 2003, and went with that. I think it's fine, and she still looks like a person from 18 years ago, which was the whole feel I wanted.

And that feel? A certain uncomfortable-ness not so different from what Marty McFly was dealing with .. but of course, amped up in a TG caption way .. and then brought to an even more awkward manner.

I like it. Since my 2,000th post, I've been trying to do some things I hadn't done before, or done in a long time, so that I'm stretching out my wings. Some have connected with you, the readers, and some haven't. Oh well. It's weird to see some recent posts without comments, but when you try to crack some eggs, you don't always get soufflés .. sometimes you get plain old scrambled eggs. Both do supply sustenance though, and that feeds me either way!

Let me know what you think about this caption, and also, maybe a broader overview of the last few weeks. I've been spread a bit thin recently time wise, but things should hopefully slow down soon by August. Fingers crossed!

I love Rifftrax, which is a few of the guys from MST3k that got together after the show was cancelled in 1999. I bought this film short a long time ago, and they are releasing some of the older stuff onto Youtube for free. This is a bizarre bicycle safety film narrated by one of the guys from Bullwinkle!


  1. Thanks Dee, that caption is both exhilarating and scary at the same time. Paradoxes and butterfly affects all come into play. Will he go through with it or not and what is it going to do when or not he comes back to the present/future, how altered will it be. My heads a spin, love it though.

    1. So glad you enjoyed it. I don't usually like sci fi that much, but that does seem to fit in this caption, as it does have that paradox / butterfly effect that can be hard to write. Luckily I only had to write up the actual idea, and not find a way to resolve it!

  2. Yay for Rifftrax, I always knew I should get into these. I do have Manos, the uh, hands of fate on DVD. Also, love some good time travel shenanigans!

    1. You really should check out a few other full lengths that they've just released on their Youtube channel, including "Guy from Harlem" "Miami Connection" and "A Talking Cat?!?".
