Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Not Quite the Answer He Wanted From Dee

I'm not one to mince words, am I? John certainly found that out!

I saw this picture and thought of the basic plot, BUT who really wants to see a picture of me as an antagonist in the caption, instead of themselves transformed? Yeah.

Well, I wrote it out anyway, figuring I would cross that Rubicon when I got there. I really liked the way it flowed, I also liked the foreshadowing where John calls Damien by his "en femme" name, implying that he knows a bit more about what is going on then just "I've got a freaky trans-gendered kid as my roommate!" and Vanessa, at the moment seems to see John differently. At first, as more tolerant of alternative lifestyles then he let on, especially in light of his denials that we are soon privy too through the dialog. I'm hoping all of that isn't TOO subtle.

Also, I think that Dee, once she hears what had happened, is very playful in how she exposed John to something that probably would be a dream come true to him .. but he just doesn't know it yet. And Vanessa definitely runs with the very idea. Dee planted the seed and Vanessa is about to douse it with water and plenty of sunshine so that the future Wendy will bloom!

And then I found out where to end it, by having Vanessa make John over in Dee's image. Yeah, I'm being a bit egotistical, BUT other than big boobies, I think the model does a good job of looking like someone Wendy would want to be in real life, so let me be vain! LOL

SO how well did I do in translating what I had in mind with what came out in a caption setting? What would you do if this had happened in real life? Ran away screaming? Totally denied it? Embraced it? Somewhere in between? Does it work as a POV for you if I had left John's name out of it so you could place yourself in the scene itself?


  1. Oh, totally embraced it! Talk about a fantasy come true. And let's be honest - most guys I know would happily wear dirty briefs or go commando instead of wear a pair of panties, so I'm thinking the fantasy is already there. In fact, I think he wanted his girlfriend to see you, I think the name slip-up was intentional, because he wanted her to see what was possible . . . he wanted her to see his role model.

    Or maybe I'm just reading too much of myself into it. :)

    1. Could be reading too much into it! LOL Nah.

      When I wrote it, I had John being a bit repressed and apprehensive, almost like he didn't want to admit it to himself, while Dee and later Vanessa figured it out earlier. If he'd have been up to it, he wouldn't have denied it the first time when she offered playfully. I would probably have done the same back in the day. Actually I sort of did, which is a story for another day! Maybe if we get enough comments here, I'll go into more detail in another post this weekend.

    2. Lovely cap.
      We have several Havenettes called John, so who's dating Vanessa? Or is this someone I don't know?

    3. Forgot to ask, how many comments do you need?;)

    4. The caption was made for Wendygirl.

      And for how many comments? More than we've gotten now LOL Not that many though, it's for more different people than the usual that comment.
